If you want to learn how to clean your house fast, this will be the simplest and most helpful guide you will find out there.
Not to say that my house is sparkling clean (because it’s not), but I at least get it cleaned without stressing.
And yeah, my house actually looks like it was cleaned like a pro when I’m done.
Then again, I might just be a pro.
But, whatever.
Just forget about stressing.
Forget about confusing yourself any more than you already are.
And let me show you some tips to help you accomplish your tasks.
Here is the sure-shot, no-BS way to clean your house fast while looking like a pro did it.

How to Clean Your House Fast
I have not timed it, but I can definitely clean my house faster than anyone I know.
I’m not talking about just the living room either, I’m talking about the entire house.
For this post, we will focus on the inside of the house, as the outside will require much more than just putting things away and dusting.
So, if you want to learn how to clean your house fast, these simple steps should do the trick.
1. Just do it
You can sit there all day and think about cleaning your house, or you can dig right in.
Not trying to steal Nike’s slogan, but sometimes, we just need to do it.
Forget about thinking.
Get your lazy butt up and get started.
There’s no need for a motivational trick to clean your house or a Youtube video.
Just get right on up and figure out where you’re going to start.
If you don’t, you’ll eventually get busy, and then, you “won’t have time.”
2. Get Rid of Distractions
Like I tell my wife, you can not fold clothes and keep up with the Kardashians.
It doesn’t work that way.
The same goes for cleaning your house and many other things in life.
If you want to clean your house fast, you must stay focused.
But what are distractions?
Let’s start with that little thing called your phone, which most of us can’t seem to put down.
The TV doesn’t need to be on either, so go ahead and shut that off too.
Now, there are other hobbies or other nonsense you might be into.
You can get those out of the way too.
I mention that because I have my putter and a wedge, always ready to be picked up when I have nothing better to do.
3. Prepare Cleaning Materials
I know most will tell you to get all your cleaning supplies before you start, but we’re going to assume you already have the basic cleaning materials.
- Gloves (preferably latex)
- Broom
- Dustpan
- Mop (if you have bare floors)
- Vacuum cleaner (if you have carpet)
- Duster
- Clorox/Lysol wipes
- Rags
- Glass cleaner
I literally thought of that in less than a minute, so don’t sue me if I forgot something.
These are the basics, and you won’t be able to clean your house fast if you have to make a trip to get something.
4. Find Your Starting Point
If you’re wondering what room to clean first, I totally understand.
Getting started is the hardest part when cleaning your house, let alone doing it fast.
I recommend starting with the easiest tasks, which are the quickest and less stressful.
Take on the hardest task first, i.e., cleaning the bathroom (tub/shower alone takes at least an hour), and you will never finish cleaning your house.
In my house, the living room is the best place to start.
It’s often the messiest, but it’s always just things lying around that need to be put away and requires little to no brainpower.
Knocking out the easiest tasks first also helps you feel like you’re getting somewhere.
This then builds momentum and digs up a nice burst of energy.
5. Tackle One Task at a Time
The biggest mistake MY KIDS make when cleaning is trying to do everything at once.
It doesn’t work.
If you’re going to start on the living room, remember that you still need to do one thing at a time.
Don’t try to grab the toys, all while trying to throw trash at the same time.
Get ALL the trash, get rid of them, and then move on to the toys.
Once that’s done, you can move on to something else requiring more attention.
6. Clean Everywhere, Not Just One Room
Most people will tell you to clean one room at a time, and that’s great if you’re not trying to clean your house fast.
Doing one room at a time is best if you’re looking to deep clean your house, but not when you’re trying to do it fast.
Pick one task, like picking up stuff, and do it throughout the house.
Then you can dust
That way, you can clear your path to clean other things.
7. Don’t Move Fast
In the army, there’s a saying, “slow is smooth, and smooth is fast”.
That same line applies to almost everything you can think of.
Just because you’re moving fast does not mean you are going any faster.
If anything, it makes you slower.
If you want to clean your house fast, you need to get it together and go smoothly rather than fast and all over the place.
8. Don’t Rest if You Don’t Need to
Resting is a must, but there’s a time for it.
That time is usually when you’re tired.
When you’re all sweaty and even a little winded.
Only then should you want to take a break.
If you take a break when you’re not tired, you will lose momentum and start to feel tired.
That will lead to a longer break and probably you putting off everything for another day.
9. Start From the Top
Sounds like we’re in a band, right?
Not this time, but you can use your broom as a mic if you’d like.
If you want to clean your house fast, you don’t want to return to something you already did.
Don’t sweep, dust, or vacuum until you’re done cleaning.
Vacuum and mop last, as if you were putting polish on a car.
10. Get Everyone’s Help
If you have kids, you need to use them for what they can do.
If they’re no help, throw them in a room, and keep them busy.
For those who can help, put them to use and tell them about the other tips in this post.
Not only will you have more hands on deck, but you will also get them out of the way.
Conclusion – Clean Your House Fast

Cleaning your house is a must, and no one else will do it.
You need to take initiative, regardless of who or what your role in the house is.
If you’re reading this post, man up and get the job done.
Don’t forget that regular maintenance of your home is a must, or you’ll make things that much harder come next time to clean.
I hope these tips on how to clean your house fast have helped you somehow, and good luck.
If you have any questions or want to share something that has helped you, please share it in the comments section below.
Thanks for reading!